Monday, August 11, 2014

Paradigm Shift
An Excerpt from "Insprations For the Awakening Soul"

One of the most difficult teachings in scripture for people to understand is when we are encouraged by Jesus to turn the other cheek. We are left with thoughts such as “Do I just stand there and let someone beat me up?” “Do I live with no boundaries?” “Do we just let others overtake us?”

In his wonderful book Sermon on the Mount, Emmet Fox explains that the instruction about turning the other cheek refers to changing one’s thought when faced with error, changing from the error to the Truth- and as a rule, it works like magic. If someone is behaving badly, instead of thinking about how bad they are, immediately switch your attention from the human to the Divine. Concentrate upon God, or upon the Real Spiritual Self of the person in question. You will find if you really do this that his or her behavior will immediately change. This is the secret to handling difficult people, and Jesus understood it thoroughly.

Now, let’s take this idea a step further to the understanding “Where our thoughts go, energy flows.” Sometimes we get stuck in a certain way of thinking. This is called a paradigm. Paradigms of thought can control our life! For instance, if I constantly think “I don’t want to get hurt.” I will be focusing on being hurt. I will be fearful and distrustful of others. Therefore, I will set up all kinds of walls and defenses that keep me from experiencing intimacy, joy, and open, honest communication. If instead I think, “I deserve to be happy and have good relationships in my life,” I will be more open and I will be able to see the good in others and in myself. I will have more appropriate boundaries because I see the good in myself. I attract into my life what I see in myself.

Likewise, if I focus on “I don’t want to relapse” or “I don’t want to use drugs” I am focusing on relapse and relapse is more likely to happen. Instead, if I shift the paradigm to “I want to be healthy and I want to feel good.” My attention will move to healthier ways of living.

Today and everyday, focus on what you do want, and not on what you don’t want. Remember, where your thoughts go, energy flows!

Rhonda S. McBride, PhD, LCDC

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